The role of extrinsic factors in subacromial impingement syndrome

Authors: T A Mackenzie, L C Herrington, A Cools, L Funk

References: Presented at BESS, 2014

Subacromial impingement syndrome has been linked to a decrease in acromio-humeral distance. A relationship between pectoralis minor length and scapular upward rotation to the acromio-humeral distance has been theorised but not supported by evidence. Scapular position, pectoralis minor length and acromio-humeral distance were measures in 114 (77 male and 37 female) participants. Variables were analysed for correlations with Pearsons correlation. The findings indicate a significant moderate to strong correlation (r= 0.56-0.81) between the variables supporting a link between an anatomical variable, movement dysfunction and impairment. This has implications in the rehabilitation of patients with subacromial impingement syndrome.


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