Shoulder Fracture Fixation
Fixation of Proximal Humerus, Clavicle, Scapula and Glenoid fractures
- Proximal Humeral Fractures
- Clavicle fractures
- Scapula / Glenoid fractures
This protocol is based on maintaining range of movement in the first phase and then gradually building strength in the middle to the last phase.
Day 1 - 3 weeks
- Arm Immobiliser
- Wrist/hand/finger exercises
- Elbow flex/ext, pro/supination
- Shoulder girdle exercises
- Scapula setting exercises
- Passive ROM in all directions as tolerated - Do not force or stretch
3-6 weeks:
- Gentle isometric exercises in neutral as pain allows
- Wean off sling
- Begin active assisted exercises ensuring glenohumeral movement, not scapulothoracic - Do not force or stretch
6 weeks +:
- Progress to full active exercises in all ranges
- Begin rotator cuff strengthening (pain free)
- Closed chain exercise
- Begin stretching the capsule
- Begin proprioceptive exercises
Milestones |
4 Weeks |
50% pre op passive ROM |
6 Weeks |
Passive ROM equal to pre op level |
Passive ROM 50% of pre op level |
12 Weeks |
Active ROM equal to pre op level |
Passive ROM equal to pre op level |
Any acute loss of active movement should be referred to the next shoulder clinic
Return to functional activities (guide to commence activity) |
Return to work |
Sedentary job: as tolerated |
Driving | approx. 6-8 weeks |
Swimming |
Breaststroke: from 6 weeks |
Golf | can start from 3-6 Months |
Lifting | Light lifting can begin at 3 weeks. Avoid lifting heavy items for 3 months. |
Contact Sport | E.g. Horse riding, football, martial arts, racket sports and rock climbing: after 3 months |