MR imaging of variants of the superior labral-bicipital complex and SLAP lesions

Authors: Wortler K, Waldt S, Burkhart A, Imhoff AB, Rummeny MJ.

References: Orthopade. 2003 Jul;32(7):595-9.

In the detection of SLAP (superior labral anterior to posterior) lesions of the shoulder MR arthrography shows a significantly higher sensitivity compared with conventional MR techniques and therefore, represents the method of choice in diagnostic imaging of the superior labral-bicipital complex. On the basis of morphological criteria it mostly allows distinction of traumatic lesions and anatomic variants of the superior labrum and the biceps anchor as well as classification of detected SLAP lesions (types 1-4 according to Snyder). However, the differentiation of a SLAP type 2 lesion and a sublabral recess can be very difficult, even if all distinction criteria are considered.


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