Research Publications Published Articles Educational Books Research Dissertation |
Research Publications
- C Littlewood, M Bateman, J Selfe, D Watkinson, M Walton, L Funk. Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A systematic review. Shoulder & Elbow. 2015
- M.F. Nixon, O.J.F. Keenan, and L. Funk. Outcomes of Arthroscopic Shoulder Stabilisation in Adolescents playing Contact Sports. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2014
- T Gosens, B Morgan, L Funk. Single injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for the treatment of refractory distal biceps tendonitis: long-term results of a prospective multicenter cohort-study. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 2014
- Anju Jaggi, Susan Alexander, Robert Herbert, Lennard Funk and Karen A Ginn. Does surgery followed by physiotherapy improve short and long term outcome for patients with atraumatic shoulder instability compared with physiotherapy alone? Protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial. 2014. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15:439. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2474-15-439. 2014
- U Butt, S Mehta, P Monga, L Funk. Pectoralis Major ruptures: A review of current management. Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 2014 (accepted)
- J. M. Owen, T. Boulter, M. Walton, L. Funk. Reinterpretation of O'Brien test in posterior labral tears of the shoulder. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 2014
- D. Butler, T.A. Mackenzie, L. Herrington, L. Funk Sorting swimmers shoulders; an observational study on swimmers that presented to a shoulder surgeon. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 2014
- Marcheggiani Muccioli GM1, P Wykes, L Funk. Effects of a synovial fluid substitute on early recovery after arthroscopic subacromial decompression of the shoulder. Musculoskeletal Surgery, 2014.
- Marcheggiani Muccioli GM, Manning C, Wright P, Grassi A, Zaffagnini S, Funk L. Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction with the LARS ligament in professional versus non-professional athletes.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Aug 23. -
- L Funk, CM Owen, C Bonner. Clinical Assessment of Posterior Shoulder Joint Instability. Journal of Arthroscopy & Joint Surgery. Aug, 2014. DOI 10.1016/j.jajs.2014.07.002
- Mackenzie TA, Herrington L, Porter S, Funk L (2014) Quantitative Assessment of Glenohumeral Translation in Professional Golfers Using Ultrasound. J Athl Enhancement 3:2. 2014
- M Anderton, M Gandhi, A Gilmour, R Davies, D Roberts, P Turner, L Funk. Eye Tracking: A Surgical Learning Tool. ESSKA Newsletter. May 2014.
- A Desai, P Prasad, J Westall, L Funk. Effect of Duration of Symptoms on the outcome of Arthroscopic shoulder procedures-Is it a predicting factor? Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery, 2014
- M.F. Nixon, O.J.F. Keenan, and L. Funk. Outcomes of Arthroscopic Shoulder Stabilisation in Adolescents playing Contact Sports. Bone Joint J 2014 96-B:(SUPP 1) 4.E
- Hart, D. & Funk, L., 2013. Serious shoulder injuries in professional soccer: return to participation after surgery. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA. 1-7. 2013.
- Atoun, L Funk, S Copeland, T Even, O Levy, E Rath. The effect of shoulder manipulation on rotator cuff integrity. Acta Orthop. Belg. 79:255-9. 2013
- Key T & Funk L. The Use of Geometric Morphometrics as a New Method to Analyse Glenoid Bone Loss after Shoulder Dislocation. WJMER.2(1).2012.
- Funk L. Arthroscopic shoulder surgery has progressed, has the rehabilitation? International Musculoskeletal Medicine Journal. 34(4):141-5. Dec 2012.
- Ng CY & Funk L. Symptomatic chronic long head of biceps rupture - surgical results. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery. 6(4):108-11. 2012
- Talbot C, Funk L, Trail I. Reconstruction of chronic anterior sternoclavicular joint dislocations using a Palmaris longus autograft. Shoulder & Elbow Journal. 2012
- Ng CY & Funk L. Structural Autografts used in Reconstruction of the Shoulder Joint. Shoulder & Elbow Journal. 2012
- Ng CY, Smith E, Funk L. Reliability of the traditional classification systems for acromioclavicular joint injuries by radiography. Shoulder & Elbow Journal. 2012
- L Funk. The Athlete's Shoulder: When Not to Operate. Bulletin of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Volume 94, Number 6, June 2012 , pp. 198-199(2) - DOI:
- E Smith & L Funk. Isolated Subscapularis rupture in an adolescent – Arthroscopic repair and outcome – Case Study. Injury Extra. June 2012 -
- Crichton J, Jones D, Funk L. Mechanisms of traumatic shoulder injury in elite rugby players. Br J Sports Med. 2012
- Monga P & Funk L. Stiffness after Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery - incidence, management and classification. Shoulder & Elbow. 2012
- Ng C & Funk L. Infrapectoral biceps tenodesis for chronic long head of biceps tendon ruptures. Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 13(1):14-16. 2012
- Mcdonough A & Funk L. Critical reflection of the advanced rehabilitation of an elite rugby league player sustaining a posterior Bankart lesion. Physical therapy in sport. 9 April 2012.
- Hoyle AC, Whelton C, Umaar R, Funk L. Validation of a global rating scale for shoulder arthroscopy: a pilot study. Shoulder & Elbow. 4(1): 16-21. January, 2012.
- Kalson, Nicholas S., Geoghegan, John M., Funk, Lennard. Magnetic resonance arthrogram and arthroscopy of the shoulder: a comparative retrospective study with emphasis on posterior labral lesions and radiologist locality. Shoulder & Elbow. 3(4):210-14. 2011
- C Pritchard, S Mills, L Funk, P Batty. Incidence and management of shoulder injuries in premier league professional football players. Br J Sports Med 2011;45:A15L
- Bayam, S Ahmad, S Naqui, A Chouhan, L Funk - Pain Mapping for Common Shoulder Disorders - Am J Orthop. July 2011
- L Funk & I Macleod - Epicondylitis - BMJ Best Evidence Guide -
- S Neilson, L Hallam, B Hundle, L Funk. Postoperative pain control using a comprehensive programme for day-case shoulder surgery. Shoulder & Elbow. 2(4)301-304. Oct 2010
- Funk L. Current orthopaedics shoulder instability – current concepts. Orthopaedics and Trauma , Volume 24 , Issue 5 , 397. 2010.
- NS Sanghera & L Funk - Arthroscopic repair of a traumatic massive posterior rotator cuff tear in a 14-year-old teenager - Shoulder & Elbow Journal, 2(3):185-7. 2010.
- C Smith & L Funk - The Glenoid Labrum- Shoulder & Elbow Journal, 2(2):87-93. 2010
- L Funk - A Technological Chip on my Shoulder - Surgical Training with Simulators-Journal of Biomechanics. 43(S1):7. 2010
- J Crichton, L Funk - The anatomy of the short head of biceps - not a tendon- International Journal Shoulder Surgery. 3(4):75-79. 2010. - Full Article Link
- Shah, Nasir H.; Talwalker, Sumedh; Badge, Ravi; Funk, Lennard. Pectoralis Major Rupture in Athletes: Footprint Technique and Results. Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 11(1):4-7, March 2010. - Journal Link
- M Snow, D Cheong, L Funk. Subacromial impingement: is there a correlation between symptoms, arthroscopic findings and outcomes? Shoulder & Elbow. 1(2):89-92. Nov. 2009. - Full Article Link
- CP Charalambous, TK Gullett, N Philips, L Funk and MJ Ravenscroft. L-Configuration Re-Attachment of Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2009 March; 91(2): 165–166. - Flash Presentation
- N Naderi & L Funk. Chronic Bilateral Pectoralis Major ruptures and reconstruction with Allograft . Injury Extra. 40(12):267-9. Dec 2009 - Article Link
- S Auplish & L Funk. Rotator Cuff Tears in Athletes . British J Hosp Med. 70(5):271-275. May 2009. - Article Link
- A.A. Malone, L. Funk, K. Mohammed, and C.M. Ball. Shoulder Instability in the Collision Athlete - The Collision Shoulder . Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings, May 2009; 91-B: 259.- Journal Link
- I Boutros, M Snow, and L Funk. Posterior Arthroscopic Capsular Release in Frozen Shoulder, a prospective cohort study . J Bone Joint Surg Br Proceedings, May 2009; 91-B: 261 - 262. - Journal Link
- R Badge, A Tambe, L Funk. Arthroscopic Posterior Labral Repair in Rugby Players . International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 3(1):4-7. 2009 - Journal Link
- A Tambe, R Badge, L Funk. Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair in Rugby Players . International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 3(1):4-7. 2009 - Journal Link
- Aspin R, Smith M, Hutchinson C, Funk L. MediVol: An initial study into real-time, interactive 3D visualisation of soft tissue pathologies. Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications. pg. 103-110. Oct. 2008.
- Funk L & Auplish S. A Simple Double Row Rotator Cuff Repair Technique for Large and Massive Cuff Tears . Techniques in Shoulder & ElbowSurgery. 10(1)26-30. 2009 - Journal Link .
- Snow M & Funk L. Microfracture of chondral lesions of the Glenohumeral Joint . International Journal of Shoulder Surgery. 2(4) Oct 2008. Journal Link
- L Funk. Response to: Screening the athlete's shoulder for impingement symptoms: a clinical reasoning algorithm for early . British Journal of Sports Medicine. August 2008.
- Snow M, I Boutros, L Funk. Posterior arthroscopic capsular release in frozen shoulder, a prospective cohort study - Accepted by Arthroscopy July 2008.
- Funk L, Umaar R, Molajo A. Diclofenac patches for post-operative shoulder pain. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery. 2(2):47-8. 2008. - Journal Link
- Levy O, Webb M, Even T, Venkateswaran B, Funk L, Copeland SA. Arthroscopic capsular release for posttraumatic shoulder stiffness . J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2008 Mar 15 - Article Link
- Funk L, Haines J, Trail I. Rotator Cuff Arthropathy. Current Orthopaedics (2007) 21, 415-421 - Journal Link
- Jeyam M, Harris J, Funk L. Are Shoulder Surgeons Any Good At Diagnosing Rotator Cuff Tears Using Ultrasound ? - A comparative Analysis of Surgeon vs. Radiologist. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery. 2(1):4-7. 2008. - Journal Link
- Somanchi BV & Funk L. Evaluation of functional outcome and patient satisfaction after arthroscopic elbow arthrolysis. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. 47(1):23. 2008 - Journal Link
- Funk L, Snow M. SLAP tears of the glenoid labrum in contact athletes. Clin J Sport Med. 2007 Jan;17(1):1-4
- Funk L, Umaar R, Awan A, Gandhi M. Computer Simulation Training for Arthroscopic Surgey.Tameside Medical Journal. 1(3):5-8. 2007.
- Funk L, Levy O, Even T, Copeland SA. Subacromial plica as a cause of impingement in the shoulder. J Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 15(6): 697-700. 2006 - Journal Link
- M Gandhi & L Funk. An Apt Solution - Surgical Selection for Arthroscopic Surgery - Surgeons News, Issue 5.4. 2006 - Journal Link - Article
- M Snow & L Funk. All Arthroscopic Modified Weaver-Dunn for Chronic Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations. Tech Shoulder & Elbow Surg, 2006 - Abstract
- Haddock MC, Funk L. Labral tears in rock climbers. Clin J Sport Med. 2006 May;16(3):271-3.
- M Webb & L Funk. Extended Anterolateral Approach for Plate Fixation of Proximal Humeral Fractures. Tech Shoulder & Elbow Surg. 7(2):77-81, June 2006. - Abstract - More Info
- M Snow & L Funk. SLAP Tears of the Glenoid Labrum in contact athletes. Clin J Sports Med. 2006 - Abstract
- L Funk. Hyaluronan vs. corticosteroid injections for subacromial impingement of the shoulder. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 13(Suppl A):S80. 2005 - Abstract
- Birks M, Funk L, Symons S, Copeland S, Levy O. Stress fracture of the clavicle in a patient with no obvious risk factors. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2005 Jan;87(1):W5-8.
- L Funk & M Smith. How to immobilise after shoulder dislocations? Emergency Medicine Journal 2005;22:814-815 - Article Link - Journal Link
- L Funk. Digital imaging for orthopaedic surgeons -Current Orthopaedics. 19(3):209-212. June 2005. - Journal Link
- K Barbosa & L Funk. Personal Digital Assistants in Orthopaedic Surgery. Current Orthopaedics. 19(2):135-139. April 2005. - Journal Link
- M Newton-Ede, L Funk, J Harris - SLAP variant with abscent long head of biceps. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology, Oct 2005, Pages 1 - 3. - Journal Link
- P Wykes, L Funk. Synovial Fluid Replacement in Arthroscopic Surgery of the Shoulder. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2004; 12(Suppl B)
- L Funk. Ostenil Hyaluronan for Inoperable Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 2004; 12(Suppl B)
- A Kapila, A Bhargava, L Funk, SA Copeland, O Levy. "Wet diaper's - Dry Patients" - An effective dressing for patients undergoing Shoulder Arthroscopic Surgery. Arthroscopy. 2005 Feb;21(2):253-5.
- Who trains Orthopaedic Surgeons to put on Casts? - British Orthopaedic News - 29:36. Spring 2004.
- Birks M, Funk L, Symons S, Copeland S, Levy O. Stress fracture of the clavicle in a patient with no obvious risk factors. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2005 Jan;87(1):W5-8.
- L Funk. Tips for Digital Imaging - Surgeons News (RCSEd) - 2(4):41-42, October 2003.
- M Agarwal, W Khan, L Funk. Surgical Repair of Distal Biceps Tendon Avulsion using Biotenodesis Screw Fixation Technique - Archives of Orthopaedic and trauma surgery, Feb 2004. - Article
- Venkateswaran-B, Funk L, Copeland S, Levy O. Arthroscopic capsular release for resistant post traumatic shoulder stiffness (abstract 44B). Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery 2004; 13(5):E33.
- Levy O, Koury E, Funk L, Copeland S. Simple "Palm Tree" Percutaneous Fixation Technique for Proximal Humeral Fractures.[Abstract 58B]. Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery 2004; 13(5):E41.
- Funk L, Koury E, Levy O, Copeland S. Copeland surface replacement arthroplasty for avascular necrosis of the humeral head (abstract 5A). Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery 2004; 13(5):E13.
- O Levy, L Funk, SA Copeland - Copeland Shoulder Resurfacing Arthroplasty for Rheumatoid Arthritis - Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Am) - 86: 512-518, March 2004.
- Copeland S, Funk L, Levy O. Surface-replacement arthroplasty of the shoulder. Current Orthopaedics 2002; 16(1):21-31.
- Levy O, Tytherleiah-Strong G, Sforza G, Funk L, Copeland S. The role of arthroscopy in the problem shoulder arthroplasty. [Abstract]. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery - British Volume 2002;84-B SUPPLEMENT III:308 2002; 84-B SUPPLEMENT III:308.
- Rath E, Funk L, SA Copeland, Even T, Levy O. The Effect of Shoulder Manipulation on the Rotator Cuff Integrity - Accepted by the Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, October 2001.
- Chandramohan M, Thomas NB, Funk L, Muir LT. MR appearance of mineralized extra skeletal chondroma: a case report and review of literature. Clin Radiol. 2002 May;57(5):421-3.
- AS Thennavan, L Funk, AP Volans - Acute Compartment Syndrome following Muscle Rupture in Non-athletes: Case Report. - The Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine. 16(5):377-8. Sept. 1999.
- L. Funk & J.C. Faux - Bilateral Hip Fracture-Dislocations secondary to Seizure - European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. 8:1-2. 1998.
- L. Funk, D. Grover, H. De Silva - Compartment Syndrome of the Hand following Intra-arterial Injection of Heroin - Journal of Hand Surgery (British & European Volume). 24B: 366-7. 1999.
- L. Funk - A prospective trial to compare three anaesthetic techniques used for the reduction of fractures of the distal radius.- Injury. 28(3):209-212. April 1997.
- L. Funk & J.J. Henderson - Pathological Fracture through a Bone Cyst in Gout. - International Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 6(2):84-85. 1996.
- D. Limb, L. Funk, B. Jenkins - An Intra-articular Fracture of the Scapulothoracic Joint. - Injury. 29(4): 317-9. 1998.
- L. Funk & K. D. Hammond - Adenosine Triphosphates & Cell Differentiation. (Abstract) - Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the South African Association of Pathologists, August 1987.
- L. Funk & K. D. Hammond. - Multiple Forms of Protein Kinases in Human Normal & Leukaemic Lymphocytes. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Congress of the South African Biochemical Society, 1988.
Review Articles
- Arthroscopic Management of Atraumatic Shoulder Instability - ESSKA Newsletter December 2011
- Sports specific posterior stabilisation and advanced rehabilitation in rugby - ESSKA Newsletter December 2011
- Posterior Shoulder Instability in Golf - ESSKA Newsletter December 2011
- Shoulder Pain (Impingement)- Didsbury Magazine 2010
- Shoulder Clicks & Clunks- Didsbury Magazine 2009
- Using Technology to help Train Surgeons of the Future - Funk - in Health Global Marketing 2009
- Blood Spinning - Sky Sports News Television - 9 March 2009
- Shark Bait - Live Cheshire - February 2009
- Upper Limb Skiing Injuries - BMI Newsletter 2008
- Dave Molyneux TT Article 2007
- Hospitals can help in growing your Practice - Independent Practitioner - September 2008
- Interview With Mr Lennard Funk, Manchester Sports Medicine Clinic - Orthopaedic Product News , March 2007
- Accelerating Diagnosis and Treatment of Shoulder Injuries with Ultrasound-Based Approaches - Orthopaedic Product News . January 2007
- Q&A Featured Article Interview - Winning Edge Fitness Newsletter No. 32, January 2007.
- Company Profile - Sonosite. Orthopaedic Product News . Nov/Dec 2006
- One stop shoulder clinic. Synergy Magazine. November 2006
- Two anaesthetics, a vaporiser, a drill and water wings - what it took it fix my shoulder. Daily Mail Newspaper - 1st February 2005
- Intraarticular hyaluronan reduces postop pain. Family Practice News - May 1, 2005
- Pioneering surgeons tackle sports injuries. Bolton Evening News, Tuesday 17th Aug 2004.
- Bluespier case study. Orthopaedic Product News, 2006
- Ostenil - Jab of Horse Bacteria eases agony of arthritis. Daily Mail - 20 June 2005
Educational Booklets
- Shoulder & Elbow Surgery Handbook - L Funk, K Roney, N Kelly - ISBN: 978-0-9561396-3-4
- Shoulder Exercise Book - L Funk, K Tatlow, C Leftley, J Gibson -
- Shoulder Ultrasound Book- L Funk, J Brown, T Bunker, J Leddy, J Harris - ISBN: 978-0-9561396-1-0
- Orthopaedic Clinical Examination Book- A Gupta & L Funk - ISBN 978-0-9561396-2-7
- JG Bradley, GS Radcliffe, L Funk - Primary Total Hip Replacement via an Antero-Lateral Approach - Training Brochure for visiting Orthopaedic Surgeons.