An Investigation Into Age Related Radiographic Changes Of The Acromioclavicular Joint And The Relationship Between Clinical And Radiological Features Of The Acromioclavicular Joint

Authors: R Pennington, N Bottomley, D Neen, H Brownlow

References: BOA 2006 Glasgow

Our null hypothesis was that there is a general trend towards osteoarthrosis of the ACJ with age and that there are no distinct radiological features which correlate to symptoms of the ACJ.

We assessed 240 shoulder x-rays for the presence of sclerosis, osteophytes and cysts. Joint width was also measured. The process was repeated for 100 patients preoperative x-rays, 50 had undergone ASD and 50 ACJ excision. These 2 groups were age matched and compared.

There is a general trend towards osteoarthrosis with increasing age and there were no statistically significantly differences between the ASD and ACJ excision group.


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