One-stop shoulder clinic ...
References: Synergy Imaging & Therapy Practice, November 2006
One-stop shoulder clinic with Sonosite hand-carried ultrasound![](/images/uploaded/office_ultrasound_shoulderdoc_funk.jpg)
A leading light in the field of shoulder surgery , consultant orthopaedic surgeon Lennard Funk, is using the Sonosite Micromaxx ultrasound scanning system as part of his 'one-stop clinic' approach by offering patients an immediate diagnosis at the first presentation.
Lennard, based at Salford Royal Hospitals and the Manchester Sports Medicine Clinic, explained: "Ultrasound scanning adds just three to five minutes to the examination, and makes it easy to spot shoulder injuries like rotator cuff tears. The immediate diagnosis has big advantages, as it can reduce the patients' time to treatment quite significantly, and you don't have the cost of a radiology report or the cost to the patient of taking additional days off work."
Weighing less than 3.7kg and the size of a notebook computer, the Sonosite Micromaxx is ideal for both hospital and consulting room settings, delivering excellent image resolution and portability.