Post Op Exercises
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For procedures requiring sling immobilisation
Please Print and give this page to your Physiotherapist, who will assist you with your exercise programme.
Correct posture is one of the most important things to achieve following your surgery. It allows the shoulder to move in the way it was supposed to do without placing stresses and strains on the joint and muscles. See diagram for correct posture position.
The scapula or shoulder blades should be moved back and down. This is the normal or neutral position for them and should be maintained during all of the exercises
Achieving scapula neutral should be done regularly as soon as possible and can be done with the arm still in the sling.
You will be expected to perform the following exercises when you leave hospital.
1. Keep your arm in the sling and move your hand up and down at the wrist. (Repeat ......)
2. With arm in the sling regularly shrug shoulders up and down and circle forwards and backwards
(Repeat ......)
3. With your arm in the sling and the elbow bent at your side, turn the hand to face the ceiling and then the ground.
(Repeat ......)
4. With your arm out of the sling bend and straighten the elbow. (Repeat ......)
Repeat these exercises four times per day. The number you should perform at each session will be recorded for you by your physiotherapist. Continue these exercises until otherwise advised by your physiotherapist
Only do the exercises below when instructed to by your physiotherapist.
Perform exercises only AS TOLERATED and within your comfort zone.
You can start this exercise now. (Sign and Date)................................
Stand. Lean well forwards. Let your arm hang down. Swing your arm forwards and backwards and then in a gentle circular motion.
Repeat 10 times each direction. (Shown for the left shoulder).
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Standing, with elbow flexed to 90 degrees, and held close to body, grasp the wrist of the affected arm with the good hand. Attempt to move the hand of the affected arm outward resisting the motion with the good hand. Keep the affected arm still.
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Standing with your back against a wall. Keep the arm close to your side, elbow bent. Push the elbow back into the wall. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
You can start this exercise now. (Sign and Date)................................
Standing side on to the wall. Push arm into the wall. Do not allow the operated arm to move. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.