Revo Knot
1. Make one short limb (the post) and one long limb (the loop)
2. Throw an underhand (initial loop passage under the post) half hitch around the post.
3. Use a knot pusher to tighten the knot on the tissue
4. Throw another underhand half hitch around the post, while maintaining tension on the post.
5. Push the hitch into the joint until the knot is seated.
6. While maintaining tension on the post throw another half hitch, this time overhand (passage of the loop over the post).
7. Push this third half hitch down into place.
8. This knot is further tightened by past pointing - accomplished by passing the knot pusher (in the picture the thumb) beyond the knot sequence.
9. The loop now will be the new post, the post becoming the new loop. An underhand half hitch is then thrown around the new post ...
10. ... and tensioned.
11 & 12. The original post will become the post again and an overhand hitch is thrown and tensioned with past pointing.