Shoulder Tips & Tricks Conference 2009

Location: Wrightington Conference Centre

Date: 3/12/2009 - 4/12/2009


Mr Tim Bunker, Mr Steve Copeland, Mr Steve Drew, Mr Cormac Kelly, Dr Anders Ekelund, Sweden, Professor Tony Freemont, Mr Len Funk, Mr Martin Holt, Mr Cormac Kelly, Mr Simon Lambert, Miss Julie McBirnie, Mr Lars Neumann, Mr David Potter, Mr Matt Ravenscroft, Mr Ian Trail, Mr Andrew Wallace

The Format:
At least 20 short 15-minute talks on hot tips and tricks in all aspects of shoulder surgery.

A strong emphasis will be based on operative tips to improve your technique.

Two key lectures by well known surgeons on “ How my practice has changed and why?”.

Two round table sessions are arranged where the panel will discuss difficult cases you may wish to bring along.

This course does not allow you to register online.

You will be able to register for this course between 1/05/2009 and 2/12/2009

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