I would like to acknowledge the encouragement that has been given to me over the last ten years in developing my interest in shoulder arthroscopy: in particular the original help from Gordon Bannister, Harry Griffiths and Christopher Ackroyd in Bristol, further encouragement and my first arthroscopic camera from Professor Robin Ling in Exeter, guidance in the practicalities of shoulder arthroscopy from Professor Angus Wallace in Nottingham and Ian Bayley in London. Finally I would like to acknowledge the help I have had from the Porritt Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England which enabled me to make two visits to the United States, and from the following surgeons who gave me the benefit of their time and their wisdom: Dr Wiley and Dr Ogilvie Harris (Toronto), Dr Hawkins (London), Dr Matthews (Baltimore), Dr Rose (New York), Dr Johnson, Dr Schneider and Dr Detrisac (Lansing, Michigan), Dr Curtis (San Antonio, Texas) and Clive Warren-Smith (RAF Wroughton).
I have been delighted to assist in editing this book which has been written mainly by Tim Bunker. We have over the last five years learnt from each other, and the Nottingham Orthopaedic Residents have been amused by our arthroscopic efforts. I am particularly grateful to Dr Murray Wiley and Dr Bob Jackson in Toronto and to Ian Bayley in London who have helped me start my shoulder arthroscopic practice. Above all, however, I am grateful to the Operating Department theatre staff who have so patiently assisted us with our efforts, and also to the Orthopaedic Residents who have held the arms in the past before we started to use a 'Shoulder Holder'.
The authors wish to acknowledge the following for their kind permission to reproduce material:
Instrument Makar (Figures 4.3, 4.4); Schutt (Figure 4.5); Zimmer (Figure 4.8); the Editors of The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Figures 5.19, 9.4); MA Hutson, Sports Injury: Recognition and Management, Oxford University Press (Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.10-2.12, 2.13, 2.14).