Further Reading
Andrews J, Broussard T, Carson W, Arthroscopy of the shoulder in the management of partial tears of the rotator cuff, Arthroscopy (1985) 1((2):117-22.
Bjorkenheim JM, Paavolainen P, Ahovue J et al, Surgical repair of the rotator cuff and surrounding tissues: factors influencing the results, Clin Orthop (1988) Nov(236): 148-53.
Bryan WJ, Schauder K, Tullos HS, The axillary nerve and its relationship to common sports medicine shoulder procedures, Am J Sports Med (1986) 14(2): 113-6.
Burman MS, Arthroscopy or direct visualization of joints, J Bone Joint Surg (1931) 13:669-95.
Cofield RH, Irving JF, Evaluation and classification of shoulder instability, with special reference to examination under anaesthesia, Clin Orthop (1987) Oct(223):32-43.
Dolk T, Gremark O, Arthroscopy and stability testing of the shoulder joint, Arthroscopy (1986) 2(1):35-40.
Ellman H, Shoulder arthroscopy: current indications and techniques, Orthopedics (1988) 11(1):45-51.
Esch JC, Ozerkis LR, Helgager JA et al, Arthroscopic subacromial decompression, Arthroscopy (1988) 4(2): 138.
Gregg JR, Torg E, Upper extremity injuries in adolescent tennis players, Clin Sports Med (1988) 7(2):371-85.
Howell SM, Galinet BJ, Renz AJ et al, Normal and abnormal mechanics of the glenohumeral joint in the horizontal plane, J Bone Joint Surg (1988) 70(2)A:227-32.
Kujat R, The microangiographic pattern of the glenoid labrum of the dog, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (1986) 105(5):310-2.
Lilleby H, Shoulder arthroscopy, Acta Orthop Scand (1984) 55(5):561-6.
Matthews LS, Oweida SJ, Glenohumeral instability in athletes: spectrum, diagnosis and treatment, Adv Orthop Surg (1985) 236-49.
Matthews LS, Vetter WL, Oweida SJ et al, Arthroscopic staple capsulloraphy for recurrent anterior instability, Arthroscopy (1988) 4(2): 106-11.
McMaster WC, Anterior glenoid labrum damage: a painful lesion in swimmers, Am J Sports Med (1986) 14(5):383-7.
McGlynn FJ, Caspari RB, Arthroscopic findings in the subluxating shoulder, Clin Orthop (1984) 183:173-8.
Oretorp N, Bassi PB, Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint (technique), Ital J Orthop Traumatol (1983) 9(2):251 -8.
Ozaki J, Glenohumeral movements of the involuntary inferior and multidirectional instability, Clin Orthop (1989)238:107-11.
Parisien JS, Shoulder arthroscopy: technique and indications, Bull Hosp Jt Dis Orthop Inst (1983) 43(1):56-69.
Thorling J, Bjernald H, Hallin G et al, Acromioplasty for impingement syndrome, Acta Orthop Scanda (1985) 56(2):147-8.
Tibone JE, Jobe FW, Kerlan RK et al, Shoulder impingement syndrome in athletes treated by an anterior acromioplasty, Clin Orthop (1985) Sep(198): 134-40.
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Uhthoff HK, Hammond Dl, Sarker K et al, The role of the coracoacromial ligament in the impingement syndrome: a clinical, radiological and histological study, Int Orthop (1988) 12(2):97-104.
Waldron VD, Technique of shoulder arthroscopy, Orthop Rev (1988) 17(6):652-5.
Wiley AM, Older MWJ, Shoulder arthroscopy, Am J Sports Med (1980) 8(1):31-8.
Wiley AM, Arthroscopy for shoulder instability and a technique for arthroscopic repair, Arthroscopy (1988) 4(1):25-30.
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Zuckerman JD, Matsen FA, Complications about the glenohumeral joint related to the use of screws and staples, J Bone Joint Surg (1984) 66A:175-81.