Foundation Trainees

Duties of the post:

  • Daily contact with SpR
  • Doing jobs from Ward Rounds
  • Clerking elective admissions
  • Discharging elective admissions
  • Cross covering with ward SHO for their ward duties

F1/F2 Competencies

  1. Good Clinical Care
    1. Daily ward rounds with Specialist Registrar
    2. Regular input from consultants
    3. Management plans discussed regularly with SHO and sometimes registrar
  2. Good Medical Practice
    1. Post op protocol based on current evidence
    2. Regular audit
  3. Working with colleagues
    1. Regular interaction with doctors, nurses, physios, OT’s, dieticians.
    2. Regular liaison with radiologist
  4. Teaching and training
    1. Daily trauma meeting
    2. Regular teaching from SHO’s and SpR’s
  5. Acute care
  6. Trauma patients on SHDU and ITU
  7. Acute circulatory and respiratory management


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