Lat Dorsi Transfer Rehab
Robert Conlon
- ROM Exercises
- Maximise shoulder strength of deltoid and scapula stabilisers.
- Sling/brace check ensure supported position and not tensioned repair
- Wear at all times other than hygiene and exercises for 3 weeks
- Wear at all times other than hygiene and exercises
- Posture advice
- Peripheral active ROM, low velocity closed chain flexion and abduction within safe zone (eg table slides)
- Scapula stability
- Level 1 Exercises in safe zone
- Week 3 start to reduce sling support remove ext. rot wedge if used
- Continue with closed chain exercises
- Encourage scapula mobility facilitation/hold-relax
- Have feel at joint play tissue tension and start to encourage gentle stretches to flx abd lat rot horizontal add
- Gentle ext rot activity encouraged
- Advice on scar tissue management if required
- Level 2 Exercises
- Start open chain type exercise/PNF/gentle resistance
- Continue with stretches to all planes of movement
- Discard sling
- Level 3 Exercises
- Progress to heavier lifting and unconstrained ROM
- Ballistic activity