SLAP Repair
- To repair the damaged origin of the long head of biceps tendon ( SLAP Tear )
To repair the damaged origin of the long head of biceps tendon ( SLAP Tear )
Post op |
<3 Weeks
Level 1 Exercises
- Wean off sling over first 3 weeks
- Teach postural awareness and scapular setting
- Assess kinetic chain control and provide exercises as required
- Regain scapula & glenohumeral stability working for shoulder joint control rather than range
- Passive ROM as tolerated
- Progress to Active Assisted Motion as tolerated
- Closed Chain exercises as
- Core stabiliity exercises with sling (as appropriate)
3 Weeks
Level 2 exercises
- Progress to active gleno-humeral flexion, abduction, internal and external rotation
- Scapular stabiliser exercises
- Strengthen rotator cuff muscles
- Posterior complex stretching
- Increase proprioception through open & closed chain exercise
6 Weeks
Progress to levels 3 exercises
- Ensure posterior capsule mobility
- Manual therapy if indicated to eliminate any stiffness
- Assess biceps function and add in eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required
Assess biceps function and add in eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required
- Progress to Sports-Specific Rehab
Week 6
Full Active range of elevation
Week 12
Full active range of movement with dynamic scapula stability throughout range (Concentric and eccentric)
See Post-Operative Exercises
Return to functional activities (guide to commence activity)
Return to work |
Sedentary job: as tolerated Manual job: at least 3 months
Driving |
approx. 6-8 weeks |
Swimming |
Breaststroke: from 6 weeks Freestyle: 12 weeks
Golf |
can start from 3-6 Months |
Lifting |
Light lifting can begin at 3 weeks. Avoid lifting heavy items for 3 months. |
Contact Sport |
E.g. Horse riding, football, martial arts, racket sports and rock climbing: after 3 months |
For more information please contact us