Rotator Cuff Repair
Rotator Cuff Repair (Arthroscopic)
This protocol is based on maintaining range of movement in the first phase and then gradually building strength in the middle to the last phase.
- ROM Exercises
- Maximise shoulder strength of deltoid, intact cuff muscles and scapula stabilisers.
Day 1 - 3 weeks
- Mastersling with body belt
- Wrist/hand/finger exercises
- Elbow flex/ext, pro/supination
- Shoulder girdle exercises
- Scapula setting exercises
- Pendular exercises
- Passive ROM in all directions as tolerated
- Level 1 Exercises
3-6 weeks:
- Do not force or stretch
- Gentle isometric exercises in neutral as pain allows
- Wean off sling
- Begin active assisted exercises ensuring glenohumeral movement, not scapulothoracic.
- Level 2 Exercises
6 weeks +:
- Progress to full active exercises in all ranges
- Begin rotator cuff strengthening (pain free)
- Closed chain exercise
- Begin stretching the capsule
- Begin proprioceptive exercises
- Level 3-4 Exercises
Milestones |
4 Weeks |
> 50% pre op passive ROM |
6 Weeks |
Active assisted ROM equal to pre op level |
12 Weeks |
Active ROM equal to pre op level |
Return to functional activities
Driving 6 Weeks
Swimming Breaststroke: 6 weeks
Freestyle: 3 months
Golf 3 Months
Lifting 3 Months (Then guided by the strength of the individual patient)
Return to work Sedentary job: 3 weeks
Manual job: Guided by Surgeon