Calcific Tendonitis Classifications
- Stages of Calcifying Tendinitis:Uthoff’s Classification
- Radiological classification of Calcifying Tendinitis : Bosworth
- Radiological morphology of Calcifying Tendinitis : Molé Classification
- Radiological staging of Calcifying Tendinitis : Gartner and Heyer Classification
Stages of Calcifying Tendinitis: Uhthoff’s Classification
1 - Pre-calcific stage - Metaplasia of tenocytes into chondrocytes
2 - Calcific stage
Formative phase
Resting phase
Resorptive stage
3 - Post-calcific phase
Radiological classification of Calcifying Tendinitis : Bosworth
Tiny Barely visible on fluoroscopy
Medium < 1.5cm;
Large > 1.5cm
Radiological morphology of Calcifying Tendinitis : Molé Classification (1993)
A calcification dense homogenous with clear contours
B calcification dense split/separated with clear contours
C calcification non-homogenous serrated contours
D calcification dystrophic calcification of the insertion in continuity with the tuberosity

Radiological classification of Calcifying Tendinitis: Gartner and Heyer
Type 1: clearly circumscribed and dense, formative
Type 2: clearly circumscribed, translucent, cloudy and dense
Type 3: Cloudy and translucent, resorptive